Airport Pro Tips

Here are some little known tips and tricks for some of the airports we’ve traveled to.  This will be continually updated as we discover more tips.

Airports in General – How to find things:

iPhone has an app called Point Inside that shows all of the details of an airport and each terminal, including bathrooms, names of restaurants, stores, etc.  It’s fantastic for deciding whether to choose a restaurant before you go to your terminal rather than risking it only to find there is only a snack shop and it’s closed.  It’s happened to us!


Denver International Airport – Quicker Security Line, Food Selection, Restaurant Seating:

After checking in your baggage, head to the north end for shorter security lines.  Every time I’ve been to DIA, the north end has been substantially less crowded.

Once you’ve gone through security, you can ride the train to your terminal, or any other terminal to find food without having to go through security again.  Terminal C seems to have the best selection.

If you eat at the Rock Bottom in DIA, skip the temptation of sitting at a booth and ask for the tall tables.  The chairs have a shelf underneath for storing your carry on bags.  Much nicer than sitting at a booth with all of your stuff crowding you!


Seattle-Tacoma Airport – Heated Benches:

If you are waiting for a hotel or car lot shuttle bus, check out Island #2 for heated benches during the winter.  Some of the benches have pipes underneath them that blow warm air up through the slotted bench.


VC Bird International, Antigua – Race Through Customs:

After waiting in a long line for immigration, itching to get to the beach, you then have to go find your luggage in a very small and crowded carousel area  and then get into another line.  If you’re willing to turn a blind eye and pay a few dollars, you can hire one of the couriers walking around with luggage carts.  For a small tip, they will shove their way, with your luggage, through the second line (customs) and get you out of the airport faster.  Note that they will basically cut you to the front of the line, but if you’re really anxious to get out, it will save you some time!

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