Life After Poo (1 month post FMT)

It seemed like forever to lead up to doing the FMT.  The whole process went a lot smoother than any of us anticipated.  Now comes the hard part.  The waiting.

As I’ve mentioned in the previous series of posts, Let’s Talk Poo, my daughter wasn’t having a ton of symptoms at the point that we began FMT.  She had managed to get her flare under control with Sulfasalazine.  Because we started with what looked like a healthy gut, we’re hoping that will increase the chances of the new bacteria colonizing.  I don’t feel like we’ll really know until we wean off of the meds in July and then see how things go for the next year or so.

That being said, I felt like I needed a way to document her progress, even if it was slight.  I created a survey for Ashley to take.  I had her take one and describe what it was like for her to be in a flare for our baseline.  I intend to have her take one every month now, post FMT.

Below are the first surveys she took, representing what a flare was like for her and the second survey she took, which represents where she is at now, 1 month post FMT.

Each month I’ll post a new survey and any thoughts.  This series won’t be nearly as active as the last, but hopefully it will provide some useful information.  I have copies of the survey for download (both editable and already in pdf form) on the Let’s Talk Poo 20 post.

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